
Monday, April 9, 2012

Welcome friends and family!

I have moved the Cavapoo blog over to an easier to use service. I will no doubt have glitches to work out. Please leave a trial comment for me. If it is to hard to do then just email me at so I can fix it.
I am running behind AGAIN, I know, sorry, getting pictures and videos up. I haven't written my thank you notes either. Jim and I had a hectic weekend delivering a red Cavapoo puppy to Virginia. Hectic though it was, we a fun time, we travel pretty well together most of the time thank goodness.
I must get back out to catch up with mowing my grass and everything that goes with this little 2 acre farm. It is perfect for the dogs. They are afforded more room to run and play than many dogs. Its a lot of work but life is a lot of work and I enjoy being out in the country.
If you are not familiar with blogs like this one, there is a little place to the right that says "Follow Me" below that in blue "Join This Site". If you click it and become a follower, I will be giving out 3 nice dog related prizes to 3 of my first 58 followers. 58 sounds like a strange number but thats how old I am. I don't mind claiming my age even though I'm a woman. I think we become more beautiful as we age. Of course, most people don't believe it but being an older woman, I don't care as much about whats on the outside of old people or old dogs.
Diane (regardless of what I said, don't dare call me an old lady ; )


  1. Love the look of your new blog!

  2.'ve been busy today!!! Thank you so much for bringing our baby to us Saturday! We love, love, love "Charlie". He's an angel and his personality is blossoming by the minute. His little face melts our heart.

  3. Hi Diane,
    I am testing this blog, we will see you Saturday.
